Regenerative Medicine: Reprogramming Stem Cells to Cure Diseases
Stem cells can self-renew and differentiate into many cell types. In adults, stem cells can only be found in specific organs, while some other organs (e.g., heart and pancreas) do not have stem cells. Doctors can use a process called reprogramming to cure diseases like diabetes or heart failure, even though the diseased organs do not have stem cells. How could this happen? Dr. Wang's research group will tell you stories about the stem cells that can be generated from your skin cells via reprogramming and then changed into all types of adult cells, including cells for the heart and pancreas. They will also discuss other types of reprogramming processes that may be used in regenerative medicine.
Presented by:
- Yuan Wang, Associate Prof, Animal Science, MSU
Suggested for ages: Elementary school age, Middle school age, High school age, 18 years and above
Scientific Disciplines:
- Science Education
Time and Location
4/6/2025 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: STEM Teaching and Learning Facility First Floor, East Wing