April 2021 Bioblitz
MSU SciFest invites our community to participate in observing the world around us! Let's work together to celebrate science, collect as many different observations as possible, and contribute to scientific research! The MSU Science Festival 2021 Bioblitz will take place during the month of April.
PDF version of the information below with QR codes for projects
What is a Bioblitz?
A bioblitz is a community science-led tally of living things in a given area. Multiple conservation organizations across the state are hosting bioblitz collection sites on local properties. The species tallies are collected by taking and uploading pictures of what you have seen on the property into the designated project on the iNaturalist site. It's easy! All you need is an iNaturalist account, a camera and a wifi or cell connection in the field or at home for uploading!
Getting started with iNaturalist
Get ready to join in the fun by downloading the iNaturalist app to your smartphone through either via Google Play or Apple Store. A simple document with steps to get your account set up via iNaturalist are located here.
Join our Projects
To see the leaderboard, a summary of all participating projects, visit the Bioblitz Umbrella project.
Once you have a profile in iNaturalist and are logged in, you may click on the hyperlinks below to visit and then join any given project.
Michigan Bird Observatory https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/science-fest-bioblitz-2021-at-cmerc
Harris Nature Center https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/msu-science-festival-bioblitz
Huron-Clinton MetroParks https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/msu-science-festival-bioblitz-at-huron-clinton-metro-parks
Michigan Audubon https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/capital-city-bird-sanctuary-scifest-2021-bioblitz
Belle Isle Park https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/msu-science-festival-bioblitz-at-belle-isle
Woldumar Nature Center https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/msu-science-festival-bioblitz-at-woldumar
Anywhere else https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/scifest-2021-bioblitz
Things to Look For & Identification Resources
Check out this field guide for Michigan Birds, Trees, Insects, Wildflowers, Mammals, and more put together specially for this event by the MSU Fisheries & Wildlife Department Graduate Student Organization.
Other helpful links and guides:
- If you want some help identifying trees by their bark, check out this guide by MSU professor Lars Brudvig and Ben Knapp.
- MIchigan DNR - Learn about Michigan's Species, Guide to common wetland birds of southern Michigan, Guide to insects on your hike, Aquatic insect guide, Guide to spring wildflower hikes
- The Michigan Natural Features Inventory (MNFI) list of all the Endangered, Threatened, and Probably Extirpated animal species of Michigan - Michigan Rare Animals
- Bird ID - Merline Bird App and Cornell Lab of Ornithology
- Michigan Invasive Species - Michigan Invasives for species ID and Midwest Invasive Species Information Network to report sightings
Michigan Bird Observatory, Woldumar Nature Center, Harris Nature Center, Michigan Audubon, Belle Isle Conservancy, and Huron-Clinton Metroparks